Recruitment-Focused Website for Growing Electrical Contractor

Imperial Electric is implementing an aggressive growth strategy in the Sacramento region. Following closely behind a name change and complete rebranding, the company is drawing quality candidates in the specialized field of design-build electrical construction thanks to a website that positions Imperial as a capable challenger brand that focuses on the employee experience.
Imperial Electric website design on tablet

The new Imperial Electric website is built to showcase video content, which will be developed and continuously added to the site through a partnership with Voice & Reason. The design and content of the website have already had a measurable impact on the company. From new business inquiries to employee applications, all metrics have improved, some exponentially.

Imperial Electric website screen
Imperial Electric website screen
Imperial Electric website screen
Imperial Electric website screen
Imperial Electric website screen on mobile
Imperial Electric website screen on mobile

“Voice & Reason took the time to understand our business inside and out, delivering a website that feels like us. Our website now supports both recruitment and business development seamlessly — exactly what we needed.”

Jared Celey-Butlin

Jared Celey-Butlin
Imperial Electric conference room

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